Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Eating habits

Ok I am fat and I eat too much, I know that. But that's not what this post is about. This is about wierd things involving food. Like a certain way of eating some foods and a complete neurosis about some foods touching other foods. I know I am not the only one who is wierd about things touching but sometimes I feel like a complete moron when I am grossed out by things.


Syrup should not touch hardly anything out there. I am completely wierded out by this. Things quickly become slimy when contaminated by syrup. Eggs, bacon, sausage, probably lots of other things too. Syrup should really only touch bread type foods that can completely absorb the syrup. Pancakes and waffles and french toast. That's it. I can't think of anything else that it's ok for syrup to touch.

Ok so I am too scatterbrained right now to remember the other examples I was thinking of when I decided to write this post but it's wierd how I have to analyze my meals to make sure certain foods don't touch other certain foods.

The other thing that gave me the idea for this post was how I eat grapefruit. Now I guess I can't say that I actually know how others eat grapefruit, but I always imagine that if anyone watched me eat grapefruit they would think I was off my rocker.

It starts off normal, either peeling it like an orange and pulling apart the sections or quartering it. Here's where it gets odd. I CANNOT eat the membranes around the sections so I must carefully peel the membrane off of one side and eat the pulp out without breaking the pulp and getting all juicy.

Yum. I'm going to finish my grapefruit now.

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