Sunday, May 15, 2011

Circumcision - "It's cleaner"

One of the most common reasons given for circumcising or supporting circumcision is "It's cleaner". To me this is a big cop out.

This is like admitting at birth that you intend to not teach your son to wash his penis.
    • During infancy an intact penis has the foreskin fused to the glans like your fingernail is fused to your finger. Sure, if someone (and there are misinformed doctors, nurses and others who may try to do this - it is your job as a parent to be informed enough and paying enough attention to stop them) forcibly retracts the foreskin before it is ready then there will be many many issues, but as long as the foreskin is fused, no special care is needed. 
      • "When intact, do not retract"
      • "Only clean what is seen"
    • I know I would rather care for an intact penis that you wash like a finger than to deal with fresh and healing wounds in a diaper - even after initial healing parents must continue to closely monitor the surgery site to prevent adhesions forming which will need medical care to fix, possibly even another surgery (or two or three cousin mentioned he recently had to have some adhesions removed that were forming - he is over 40yrs old!)
    •  Once the foreskin naturally releases (can happen anytime from age 2-adolescence) and is able to retract, all that is needed is to retract, rinse and replace to keep clean. 
      • I can't speak for this one, not having had a brother, grown up with boys nor have a boy of my own but many moms respond to "teaching son to wash penis" with a laugh, saying "Yeah, TRY to get a young boy to ignore his penis, especially in the shower"
      • Don't all penis' need washing? A great quote I heard recently - "If he's having hygiene issues from not washing his penis, he probably doesn't wash his ass either"
    •  Do we pull their teeth to prevent tooth decay? Do we cut off their ears to prevent having to wash behind them? Why is washing the penis so difficult that it's better to cut off part of it than wash it? I DON'T UNDERSTAND??
    • Girls have more folds and crevices to keep clean and yet no one is lobbying for baby girls to get trimmed up for cleanliness issues, why is that (please note, I am not suggesting we do so).
      • Also try mentioning that women smell because of these folds and see how popular you are, why is it ok to say that about men???
I'm pretty sure I had more points but, so as not to overwhelm anyone, I will stop here. Feel free to comment!


Cyn said...

Thank you for making such great points! The more we speak out against this atrocity, the sooner it'll be put to an end.

greenfoley said...

Thanks Cyn! That's what I'm hoping! said...

Yea, good point about ongoing issues for some cut men. People love to talk about how they knew someone who had an uncle that needed to be circ'd when he was 80 because he suddenly had mysterious "problems"... but having to monitor a penis constantly and have scars, skin bridges, and adhesions is preferable?

greenfoley said...

It's definitely something parents need to know! How many parents have their son cut, have him have complications and their response is "If I had only known this could happen". I WANT THEM TO KNOW IT ***CAN*** HAPPEN!!

Anonymous said...

Yep. That's right. If I cut off everything that needed to be clean I would be missing a lot of parts!

Sean Foley said...

Gosh, if only we all had our fingernails ripped off as newborns, just imagine how much better off we all would be. :\

greenfoley said...

Well there you go. No more ingrown toenails, nail bed infections and fungi, you wouldn't have had your nail severely damaged a few years ago....why haven't we jumped on this bandwagon yet??? You are a genius!!!

Anonymous said...

Circumcisers will always have yet another bogus reason for cutting on baby boys genitals. Only educating parents-to-be can put end to this senseless and harmful practice, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

We should pull all their teeth also, ya know... so they won't get any cavities or have any toothaches.

roger desmoulins said...

Thorough, brief, and deliciously blunt! Note, though, that the "scientific, evidence based" advocates of RIC no longer make this argument.

"It's cleaner" has always baffled me, simply because I am intact. It really is trivial to clean that area. If a man has a dirty preputial sack, the reason is that his parents were too prudish to explain to him that little bit of hygiene.

People forget that it's perfectly OK if a woman in an intimate relationship tells her man to spend 15 seconds in the bath before getting down to business with her. She even has the right to inspect and clean him herself. But no woman can undergo the supposed martyrdom of the stinky dick during a youthful fling, and then go through life insisting that circing her sons and grandsons is a must.